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Not sure how many of you saw this list. HDFC is the only bank from India. I'm happy that my bank is listed :)

Also surprised to see, Bank of America is not listed. HSBC takes rank in most regions including global list. Citi gets a place even after the bailout(also i had a very bad experience with Citi, you'll go crazy to know the fee they collect, I had to pay to go to the bank counter.)

Whatever be the case, the economy of the world depends on the banks' ability to lend money to businesses and common people. Let them flourish and "serve" the people.

And now there's some hope starting to show up in the stock market. Sensex went up 222.59 points to 16677. More technically @

US too has had some good sign after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's statement on recession. Good signs all over, let this continue and people return to jobs.

H1N1 virus, also known as "swine flu", has quickly spread around the world. A new vaccine for this virus should be ready this fall. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that the following groups get the vaccine first:
  • pregnant women
  • parents and others who care for children younger than 6 months of age
  • health care workers
  • children and young adults 6 months through 24 years of age
  • adults 24 through 64 years of age who have certain long-term (chronic) medical conditions

Ask your doctor about steps you can take to protect yourself against the H1N1 flu. More information is also available from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services at

When Genevieve and Brian Skory were new to parenting, they allowed their two young kids to read or watch TV until they fell asleep.

A child's bedtime routine could affect his or her sleep pattern throughout a lifetime, a researcher said.

"It was an agitated frenzy until they would pass out," Genevieve Skory recalled. The weary parents broke up fights between their bickering children. The next morning, the house would be chaotic again. "I don't think it's good for kids to stay up until they fall asleep -- that's three hours later than they needed to go to sleep," she said.

Setting bedtimes can improve sleep quality and quantity for infants and toddlers, according to a growing body of research. Not getting enough sleep affects children's behavior, memory, attention, and emotional well-being, experts said.

Tired of the chaos in the house, the Skorys started to enforce bedtime every night at 9. About an hour before bedtime, she restricts her children's use of TV and computers and instructs them to prepare for bedtime.

"Everyone is happier in the morning when there's a bedtime," Skory said. Research suggests there are additional benefits for children who have bedtimes.

"Sleep patterns and sleep routines matter because they have both long-term and short-term implications for health and cognitive development," said Lauren Hale, an assistant professor of preventive medicine at Stony Brook University Medical Center in Stony Brook, New York. "If it sets a pattern in the way you treat sleep or bedtimes, these patterns may last your whole life unknowingly."

Hale is one of the authors of a new study published online in the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics this month that found that black and Hispanic families and those with lower levels of income and education were less likely to enforce regular bedtimes for children. This could play a role in health disparities, she said.

How much sleep do you need?
• Birth - 2 months old need 10.5 - 18 hours

•3 - 11 months old need 9 - 12 hours (and additional naps)

• 1 - 3 years old need 12 - 14 hours
• 3 - 5 years old need 11 - 13 hours
• 5 - 12 years old need 10 - 11 hours
Adolescents need at least 8.5 - 9.25 hours
Adults typically need 7 - 9 hours

Source: National Sleep Foundation
"What we find is that disadvantaged populations or lower-education populations have worse health outcomes and it turns out they have worse sleep problems," she said.

The data didn't show why these families were less likely to use children's bedtimes. It could be related to the stress levels and fewer routines in the households, Hale said.

"Parents in those households, many of which are below poverty line, tend to be single-mother households, and they may be more burdened in many more ways than a traditional nuclear family," she said. Another possibility is that the parents may not be aware of the health benefits of regular bedtime routines.

In a sample of 3,217 households, in which three-quarters of the children were born to unmarried mothers, about 67 percent used a bedtime. Of the 67 percent, only about half put their 3-year-olds to bed before 9 p.m.

Toddlers between the age of 1 and 3 need 12 to 14 hours of sleep. Children who lack sleep can have behavioral and emotional problems and cognitive developmental issues, sleep researchers said.

About 71 percent of the sample reported using bedtime routines.

Such routines, such as a bath or a soothing activity, cuddling or singing a lullaby, help infants sleep better through the night and improve sleep issues for children, according to another study.

"Instituting a routine helped children fall asleep faster at bedtime," said Jodi Mindell, an author of that study published in a May edition of the journal Sleep.

In that study, 405 mothers and their infants or toddlers under the age of 3 were randomly assigned to a bedtime routine or instructed to follow their usual habits. The mothers recorded daily sleep diaries and filled out questionnaires every week. The researchers found that moods improved after using the bedtime routine.

Parents mean well, but some mistakenly believe that keeping their babies up late will help them sleep, said Mindell, an associate director of the Sleep Center at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

"They think that if they keep them up late, they'll conk out, that they'll be exhausted and they'll sleep better," she said. "And it backfires. We know that overtired babies take longer to fall asleep and they wake more frequently at night."

If children have difficulty falling asleep, parents should not turn to medication, experts said.

"Don't do it," warned Mindell. "Even in severely neurologically impaired kids, that is our third, fourth, or fifth choice. You really want to institute behavior changes first. ... [Medication is] not a panacea and there are so many concerns about side effects."

Using drugs such as Benadryl to help a child sleep may mask underlying problems, added Kelly Byars, director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at Cincinnati Children's Hospital in Ohio.

"It may be helpful for some children in a short-term situation, but in some cases children have a paradoxical reaction to Benadryl and become more alert, irritable, and hyperactive which leads to worse sleep problems," he wrote.

In many homes, bedtime still remains a battle of wills between parents and children.

In their bustling household in Lathrup Village, Michigan, the four Skory children are now between the ages of 9 and 18. Genevieve Skory doesn't get the crying, temper tantrums or massive resistance anymore, but her younger kids still try to stay up late by peppering her with questions and last-minute requests for snacks.

But Skory is adamant that bedtime is non-negotiable and this isn't enforced solely for their children's health.

"I believe in bedtime for parents' mental health," she said with a laugh.

What a shame, its embarrasing to hear such news.

Doctors had to amputate the leg of a 13-year-old snack vendor who was thrown off a moving train after he reportedly did not have money to bribe a guard, authorities said Sunday.

Part of Mohammed Salahuddin's leg was removed below the knee after it was badly damaged after the fall, said Amit Lodha, a railway police superintendent.

According to published reports, the suspect allegedly hurled Salahuddin off the train on Thursday in anger because he did not have Rs 10 (20 cents) to pay in bribes for selling snacks on board.

"The (arrested) constable has denied these allegations. But he indeed has been found to have thrown the boy out of the train," Lodha told CNN.

The guard was sent to jail Sunday for the incident, which took place in India's Bihar state, officials said. He faces attempted murder among other charges.

In August, Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh admitted his country was faced with "pervasive corruption".

"The malaise of corruption, so sapping of our efforts to march ahead as a nation, should be treated immediately and effectively," Singh warned.

A Night Of Passage. Venice
Academy Award Nominee Shekhar Kapur, Nadja Swarovski, A.R.Rahman, Haley Bennett Celebrate Kapur’s First Short Film ‘Passage’ in Venice

Last night on the island of La Giudecca, Academy Award® nominated director Shekhar Kapur (ELIZABETH) and Swarovski Entertainment celebrated the international screening of PASSAGE, the first short film to be directed by Kapur. The charming I Granai della Repubblica were transformed into a magical space that played host to a soiree of glamorous stars.

Shekhar Hapur, AR Rahman, Haley Bennett and Nadja Swarovski were among the celebrities enjoying Venetian cocktails and canapés. Guests immerged into the world of PASSAGE for a private screening of PASSAGE as well as a live orchestral performance from India’s Kavita Baliga who sang music from the film scored by Academy Award Winner® AR Rahman.

Kapur’s film stars Julia Stiles (CRY OF THE OWL, THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM), Lily Cole (THE IMAGINARIUM OF DOCTOR PARNASSUS, ST TRINIAN’S) and Haley Bennett (MARLEY AND ME, MUSIC AND LYRICS). PASSAGE invites audiences to dive into magical moments of transformation in the lives of three young women. Together with AR Rahman's score Kapur's graceful images merge into a highly emotional and enigmatic passage through despair and loss to reconciliation. The camera itself acts as a kaleidoscope exploring a non-linear time-frame leaving it ultimately for the viewer to individually interpret the meaning of the enchanting and dream-like film. Shekhar Kapur explains “In the complex experience of the film, I invite you, each single viewer, to decide what it means for you”.



I was reading this blog of actress Lisa Ray.

She's been diagnized with multiple myleoma. I'm amazed by the kind of response she got on her blog. I saw quite a few of them refereing to the Ayurveda treatment for Cancer and claim even people with last stage of cancer has got cured there. I just wanted to share the information I got from her blog to others who read this.

If you know someone suffering, please share this information

Padmabhushan Raj Vaidya Brihaspati Dev Triguna
143 Sarai Kale Khan, East Nizamuddin,
New Delhi – 110 013

Let's pray for those suffering from such disease.

Lisa's blog-

Oscar-winning musician A R Rahman has been invited to perform live along with the famous Pussycat Dolls — a pop girl group and dance ensemble — at the prestigious National Mall here next summer on the occasion of the India’s historic participation in the America’s world famous Polo Cup.

A large number of eminent Indian and American personalities, besides fashion designers and culinary experts are being invited to celebrate the two day event on June 11 and 12 next year to make this a memorable event for years to come, organisers of the Polo Cup said.

Tareq Salahi, captain of the US polo team, said this would be for the first time that A R Rahman and Pussycat Dolls would be performing live together.

India’s noted fashion designers too are being invited for the event, which would involve a polo tournament between Indian and American team.

Thousands of people are likely to converge at the National Mall during the two-day annual event.

Deputy Ambassador to the US, Arun K Singh, said the polo match between India and the US next year to be played at the National Mall reflects another dimension of the growing relationship between the two countries.

This will enhance sports and cultural links between India and the US, he said.

Commenting on this polo challenge for the first time between India and the US, spokeswoman, Michaele Salahi said: “The America’s Polo Cup aspires to bring the love of the game to a wider audience and bring international cultures together in a celebration of both their common bonds and their diversity.”

“This special global program includes national and international festivities that showcase elements dear to both nations, including community and international good will, air shows, sportsmanship, music, wine, cuisine, adventure and freedom,” Salahi said.

The US President, Barack Obama has been invited to inaugurate the opening ceremony for the world championships this September 19, on the DC National Mall. The preview polo match would be played between teams from Chicago and Washington.


I read this story in, something that's strange to most of the eastern countries, especially to India atleast. These cultural differences are sometimes scary and unacceptable for someone like me who strongly believe in marriage.

Read on...

Asa Hill was 7 years old when he died. Although the boy was pulled out of a burning car alive in a horrific accident on the Niagara Thruway on Thursday, his injuries proved critical, and he passed away the following night.

Amilcar Hill and Rahwa Ghirmatzion hug at their son's funeral, which ended with their wedding.

The Buffalo, New York, community, shaken, turned out in large numbers at his funeral Monday to support his parents, Amilcar Hill and Rahwa Ghirmatzion, and were pleasantly surprised when the couple ended the service with a wedding ceremony, a fulfillment of their son's wish.

The Rev. Joel Miller of The Unitarian Universalist Church of Elmwood, where the service was held, was unsure at first when the idea of a wedding was proposed by the couple and their family.

"I asked twice, 'We're doing a wedding?' This was new for me. I never did a funeral service and a wedding ceremony at the same time, and normally wouldn't, but they have known each other since they were teens," Miller said. "And they had been providing for Asa, and they made a home together for all of Asa's life. ... It was clear they were following through on something they had been talking about for some time." Watch the funeral and wedding ceremony »

Hill and Ghirmatzion have been best friends since they were 15 and have been together for almost half of their lives. After Asa was born, marriage had always been something that they considered but, according to Hill, both felt that a wedding was "superficial and not necessary."

Asa, however, was insistent that they make their union official.

"Asa really wanted us to do it, and every time he would ask us we would say, 'Yes, we'll get married,' " said Hill.

But the couple never did get around to figuring out the logistics for a ceremony.

While holding his lifeless son in his arms at the hospital, Hill was moved to finally officially propose to his lifelong partner.

"Rahwa was overwhelmed at that moment and just looked at me. When the family sat down to plan the funeral service, she said 'Let's get married.' And everyone broke down at the table," he said.

The marriage took place after a service filled with African drums, dancing, sermons and family and friends sharing memories of Asa, all in celebration of his life.

Miller said about 1,100 people attended the service, with hundreds overflowing onto the church lawn, where sound systems were set up so they could hear the service. When the wedding was announced, there were shocked cheers and applause from those in the church pews.

"We wanted it to be a surprise," Hill said. "We knew it would be a joyous moment. You could see how it lifted them, and we figured, why not make it a surprise at the end."

The Unitarian Universalist Church was chosen because its non-denominational tradition would welcome all the diverse groups of the Elmwood community, Hill said. The family has strong ties to the community and, according to Miller, who had known Asa since he was 5, Asa embodied this.

"He was a powerful presence: direct, smart, and had a way of bringing people together," Miller said. "When you met him, you knew you met someone. We all didn't know each other, but we knew Asa and his family."


GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd.(GHIAL), will be hosting Oscar award winner A.R.Rahman’s ‘Jai Ho’ Concert on Saturday, October 24th,2009. Over 50,000 people are expected to attend the event, which will be organized by Rapport Global Events and Wizcraft, and held at a specially created ‘GMR Arena’ near the Novotel Hyderabad Airport, just two kilometers away from the airport.

Mr.P. Sripathy, CEO of GHIAL, said that, “We intend creating a leisure destination outside and around our airport, so that the people of Hyderabad are provided newer, interesting avenues for entertainment and enjoyment. We will have these events on a regular basis. With the festival season starting middle of September, we have already lined up a host of activities that will lead in to the ‘Jai Ho’ Concert on 24th October.

“We will start off the festive celebrations with the Airport Festive Carnival from the 19th of September through the 25th of October. During this period, any passenger or their relatives and friends who purchase any goods or services worth a minimum of Rs.300, will be eligible for a lucky draw coupon which will enable them to be entered for the Grand Draw prize of a return ticket for two, to Singapore. Additionally, in the weekly draws, two lucky winners will get free tickets to the ‘Jai Ho’ Concert”, he added.

Mr. Sripathy said that the ‘Jai Ho’ Concert will provide the people of Hyderabad and surrounding areas, an international standard event experience, with state of the art equipment and facilities.

Plans are on to provide a special weekend package for outstation enthusiasts in collaboration with the Novotel Hyderabad Airport and Jet Airways.


The Bombay Stock Exchange benchmark Sensex on Monday closed over the 16,000-point level for the first time this year as buying in realty, metal and banking segments powered over 320-point rally on strong global cues.

The 30-share index rose by 327.20 points to close at 15-month high of 16,016.32 points, a level never seen after June 2, 2008.

The wide-based National Stock Exchange index Nifty soared by 102.50 points to 4,782.90 points.

The rally was backed by steep rise in stocks of realty, metal and banking segments on reports that shortage of monsoon rainfall might ease, improving the outlook of farm production and boosting buying in rural parts of the country.

The fag-end surge was mostly attributed to higher opening in European stock markets this afternoon.

Among the Sensex shares, 28 scrips closed with gains while ITC Ltd and Mahindra and Mahindra ended with losses.

Infosys Technologies, Reliance Industries, ICICI Bank, RCom, DLF Ltd, Tata Motors and Tata Steel were the major gainers and helped Sensex rise above 16,000 points level.

Source: The Hindu

As summer has gone by, the cold getting grip slowly, most of us will start feeling the static in our body. Especially with low humidity.

When you go to gas station, once you get off the car, touch the car metal before you go to the nozzle, so you had already discharged your static current. And do not get into car or touch any kind of cloth until you are done with filling gas. That can avoid explosion due to static current.

While filling gas on containers, always use non-metallic containers. Place it on ground while filling gas.